srijeda, 1. lipnja 2016.

Naše origami priče - Our Origami Stories

Umjesto uobičajenih kratkih informacija o izlagačima origami radova u Galeriji Kortil, odvažili smo se napisati svoje priče.

Instead of usual brief information on the exhibitors of the origami works in the Gallery Kortil, we took courage to write our origami stories...


Origami i ja sreli smo se sredinom 1980-tih, kad sam na poklon dobio knjigu Dragutina Gerića Origami - vještina savijanja papira. Nakon nekog vremena, napamet sam znao saviti sve likove iz knjige. Gdje god da sam išao, savijao sam svoj papirić i ostavljao složene likove: u kafiću, autobusu, tramvaju... Pri odlasku u Domovinski rat, obećao sam sebi da ću, bez obzira gdje se nađem, ostaviti bar jedan origami uradak. Tako je i bilo. U jesen 1991. godine moja postrojba dolazi u zagrebačko podsljemensko naselje Vidovec. Kako smo bili smješteni kod jedne obitelji, jedino što sam im mogao dati, bilo je sedam origami slonova za sreću. Tako su saznali za moje origami vještine i počeli me nagovarati da im napravim slona od papira koji će mi oni dati. Jedno popodne stiže papir i molba da dođem do njih složiti slona. Na vratima desetak začuđenih dječjih lica. Pripremili su papir otprilike metar puta metar. Velike, znatiželjne dječije oči pratile su svaki moj korak, stalno me prekidajući pitanjima Striček a kad bu to gotovo?, A kaj sada radite, kaj još nije gotov?. Naravno to je malo produžilo vrijeme slaganja, ali kada je slon bio gotov, dječiji osmjesi i veselje bili su najveća nagrada za trud. Neki nisu bili zadovoljni postignutim, jer su očekivali da će tog slona moći jahati.  U to tmurno i tragično doba ta djeca, njihovo veselje i radost donijeli su malo svjetla i nade u moj život. Kako me je životni put i poslije rata doveo do ovog malog naselja, još danas se ta djeca, sada odrasli ljudi, sjećaju tog slona i sada njihovoj djeci slažem slonove, ali naravno,  puno manje.
Želimir Zlatić


Origami and I met in the mid-1980's, when I was presented with a book by Dragutin Gerić “Origami - the art of paper folding“. After a while, I could fold all the models from the book by heart. Wherever I went, I folded my piece of paper, leaving origami models in a cafe, bus, tram ... When I went to the War of Independence, I promised myself that I would, no matter where I find myself, leave at least one origami. And so it was. In the Autumn of 1991, my formation was stationed in Zagreb village Vidovec at the southern slopes of the Medvednica mountain. As we were were hosted by a family, the only thing I could give them, were seven origami elephants for good luck. Thus they found out about my origami skills and started urging me to make them a paper elephant from the paper they would provide. One afternoon the paper arrived with an invitation to come over and fold an elephant. A dozen inquisitive children's faces awaited me at the door. The paper sheet measured a meter on each side. Amazed, wide-eyed children followed my every step, constantly questioning when would I finish, what was I doing, when would it be ready and the like. Of course it prolonged the folding, but when the elephant was finished, smiles and joy of the children were the greatest reward for the effort. Some were not quite pleased with the achievement, because they expected to be able to ride this elephant. In those bleak and tragic times, those children, their joy and glee brought some light and hope into my life. Anyway, my walk of life led me back there even after the War. Once children, now adults, they fondly remember that paper elephant.  So now I am folding paper elephants for their children, but of course, not that large.
Želimir Zlatić


Zovem se Luka,a ovo je moja priča o origamiju.Sada sam petnaestogodišnjak,a priča počinje u mom vrtiću kada sam imao pet godina.E...toga dana ću se uvijek sjećati .Tete su donijele hrpu papira pred nas dječicu i sa osmijehom na licu najavile kako ćemo imati lagan zadatak da u nekoliko poteza od papira dobijemo divne likove i životinje.Vjerovali ili ne,samo ja-Luka ,nisam uspio od papira saviti NIŠTA. Tuga je trajala nekoliko dana, a onda sam se ohladio. Nekoliko godina kasnije, u drugom razredu osnovne škole, ugledao sam na You tube-u video koji me fascinirao - radilo se o izradi šešira od papira. Ah,opet origami - ne mogu ja to, ne mogu ja to..... i tako sedam dana, a onda sam krenuo i otkrio sasvim novi svijet u koji sam se vraćao svaki dan po nekoliko sati. Sve što sam poželio moje ruke su mogle saviti – ponekad uspješno, a ponekd i ne, ali užitak koji mi je pružao origami je bio neopisiv. Moji roditelji, sestra i svi moji prijatelji znaju da je origami moja velika ljubav pa me hrabre da svoje radove pokazujem i drugima. Već drugu godinu za redom vodim radionicu  origamija (kao najmlađi voditelj ikad) na Međunarodnom festivalu  u Šibeniku.Djeca reagiraju predivno i na tim radionicama nikad nije dosadno. Uskoro ću dobiti priliku raditi i sa grupom odraslih ljudi koji imaju otežanu motoriku u rukama, u šibenskoj Općoj bolnici. Za mene je to velika čast, a moj origami i moja velika ljubav prema toj divnoj umjetnosti svaki dan iznova postaju sve veći, a ljudi oko mene počinju uviđati sve ljepote i dobrobiti origamija. 
Luka Barižon (15.god.), Šibenik


My name is Luka and this is my origami story. I am fifteen now, but the story starts in the kindergarten, when I was five. Well...I shall always remember that day. Nursery teachers set heaps of paper in front of us children. With a beaming smile they announced an easy task: to fold fantastic  creatures and forms in just few steps. Believe  it or not, only I - Luka, was able to fold NOTHING. The sorrow lasted for a couple of days and then I cooled off. Several years later, as a second grader, I spotted a YouTube video that fascinated me. It was about folding a hat out of paper. Oh, origami again, - I cannot do it, I cannot do it ... After seven days I took courage and started. I discovered a completely new world to which I returned every day for several hours. Everything that I wished for, my hands were able to fold – more or less successfully. The joy of origami was indescribable. My parents, my sister and all my friends know origami is my great passion and encourage me to show my works. For the second year now I am running an origami workshop  (as the youngest workshop tutor ever) at the International Children's Festival in Šibenik. Children respond marvelously and those workshops are never boring. I will soon get an opportunity to work with adults with motor problems in arms and hands, in General Hospital Šibenik. It is a great honour for me.  Thus my origami  and my great love  for this amazing art  grows day by day, and people around me begin noticing various attractions and benefits of origami.   

Luka Barižon (15), Šibenik


Origami sam prvi puta vidio kod bake i djeda još kao predškolac. Baka je, dok je još radila, imala poslovne partnere iz Japana koji su joj jednom prilikom poklonili origami ždrala i žabu. Mislio sam da je dosta komplicirano od komada papira napraviti takve modele. Kada sam imao 7 godina na poklon sam od bakinih prijatelja koji žive u inozemstvu dobio papir za origami. Na omotu su bile nacrtane upute za izradu jednostavnijih modela origamija, pa sam pomislio da bih i ja sam mogao pokušati nešto napraviti. Oduševilo me kako presavijanjem komada papira mogu napraviti žabu koju sam do sada samo gledao kod bake. Mislim da se tada dogodila moja ljubav prema origamiju. Nakon toga sam htio napraviti što više različitih modela životinja prema nacrtanim dijagramima.  Nedavno sam počeo kreirati svoje modele kukaca i životinja. Velika mi je želja postati origami majstor, a do tada samo uživam u izradi origamija.

Mihael Gregl, 9 godina


I first saw origami at my grandparents' as a preschooler. Grandma, when she was still working, had business partners from Japan. On one occasion they presented her an origami crane and a frog. I thought it must have been quite complicated to make such models from a piece of paper. When I was 7, grandma's friends who live abroad presented me with origami paper. The package included folding instructions for making simple origami models. I thought I could give it a try. By folding paper, I was was able to make the frog that I only eyed at my grandmother's. I was overjoyed. I think I fell in love with origami then. After that I wished to make as many different animal models from diagrams as possible. I recently started making my own origami insects and animals. My great wish is to become an origami master, and untill then I simply enjoy making origami.
Mihael Gregl (9)


Rina misli da oduvijek savija papir! Mda. Mama se dobro sjeća nedjelje u kojoj je počela...  Dakle, te nedjelje je pjevala (ili barem otvarala usta) u jednom zagrebačkom dječjem zboru koji je vrlo često vikendom nastupao u predvorjima velikih trgovačkih centara. Običaj je bio da se nakon programa počasti dječicu slatkišima, sitnicama, koji put i kakvom zajedničkom igricom... Ove naše nedjelje, organizator je odlučio izazvati Zagrebačke mališane na igru papirom. I stvarno...podjelili su djeci listove papira obećavši najdalje letećem avionu nagradu iz izloga... Okice su zaiskrile a nespretne ručice petogodišnjakinje  savile i nabrale papir najbolje što su umijele, ali, avaj.... Neka su djeca imala tako precizno savijene avione?? I uredne i daleko leteće i tako lijepe... I Rina je htjela imati tako savijen papir. Tata se ponudio naučiti je vještini izrade aviončića, ispričao joj kako je puštao letjeti na desetine istih s desetog kata FER-a i kako  mogu vježbati s našeg balkona doma...  Rina je prihvatila! Jedino što mama mora dodati na kraju jest činjenica da je nakon ove nedjelje iz priče – Rinina priča postao origami!
Mama Vesna


Rina believes she has always been folding origami! Mhm. Mum remembers well the Sunday that she started to...  Well, on that Sunday she was singing (or at least opening her mouth) in a Zagreb children's choir. They often used to perform in shopping mall's halls for weekends. The custom was to give children treats and trinkets after it, sometimes they would play together... On our Sunday, the organizer decided to challenge the choir Zagrebacki malisani to a game with paper. And indeed... they gave children pieces of paper promising a prize from a shop window to the furthest flying paper plane... Her eyes gleamed and the unskilled hands of a five-year-old folded and wrinkled the paper the best they could, but, alas.... Some children had so precisely folded paper planes?? And so neat and far flying and so beautiful...  Rina also wished to have paper folded that way. Papa offered to teach her the art of folding  paper planes. He told her how he set flying dozens of planes from the tenth floor of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing. They could practice it from our balcony, at home... Rina took the challenge! The only thing that her mum has to add in the end is, that after the forementioned Sunday story – origami became Rina's story! 
Mother Vesna


Živim u Zagrebu blizu Jarunskog jezera i slobodno vrijeme koristim za vožnju bicikla; dobar kardio trening i antistresna terapija. Jedne lipanjske večeri 2009. godine uživam u vožnji, neoprezan mladi roler, moje tvrdoglavo zadržavanje pravca, pad, vozilo hitne pomoći, zabrinut dežurni liječnik, transfer u Traumatološku bolnicu i operacija nadlaktične kosti lijeve ruke, dobar rezultat operacije, uz savjet kirurga da uz dobar postoperativan postupak mogu potpuno sanirati ozljedu. Ne želim u 45. godini života ostati bez funkcije lijeve ruke i disciplinirano krećem s oporavkom.  Nakon osam mjeseci vježbanja dobivam zadaću što više raditi prstima. Ne smijem nastaviti svirati gitaru jer je to neučinkovit i bolan položaj, što se pokazalo, na žalost, kao istina. Čime se baviti kako bi osobno bio zadovoljan, a prsti lijeve ruke bili stalno u pokretu u prirodnom položaju?  Gdje se i zašto vrlo brzo pojavio origami, ne mogu se prisjetiti, ali je ispunjavao dva osnovna uvjeta: radi se o umjetnosti koju mogu prakticirati u svakom trenutku na svakom mjestu. Za moju odluku je najzaslužniji Internet; dostupnost i pregled zadivljujućih mogućnosti savijanja papira, od jednostavnih didaktičkih tvorevina za najmlađe, sličnih terapijskih iskustava kao što je i moje, preko lijepih (ponekad kičastih) modela za vježbanje, uživanje, poklanjanje, … pa sve do svjetski priznatih i cijenjenih umjetničkih (neponovljivih) kreacija. Našao sam i treći razlog za origami; sličnost s mojom inženjerskom profesijom. Inženjersko zvanje podliježe strogim propisima, ali opet omogućuje kreativnost. Origami isto ima stroga pravila (nakon izbora oblika papira preostaje jedino i isključivo savijanje), a opet pruža gotovo bezbrojne mogućnosti. Origami, kao i svaka umjetnost, ima svoju povijest, svrhu, razdoblja,  forme, pravce, stilove, žanrove, estetiku, medije, primjenjivost i apstraktnost, teorijske rasprave  i dr. Ako se origamiju pristupi čistih ruku i čista srca, kako je rekao jedan od najvećih origamista Akira Yoshizawa, onda svatko može naći svoje osobne i jedinstvene:  tehnike i modele (ciljeve) koje želi usavršiti i napraviti, priče iz povijesti kojima će proširiti svoje opće znanje, poglede na umjetnost kojih možda i nije bio svjestan, tehnike metodičnosti i samokontrole, umjesto nervoze i brzopletosti, poticaje za nova učenja i spoznaje, a ponajprije svijest o tome da je svatko i sve važno te ima svrhu pa čak i mali komadić papira. Origamijem se bavim amaterski i kratko, oko pet godina, ali sam imao puno prilika promovirati i demonstrirati origami tehnike i umjetnost. Moje skromno iskustvo mi pokazuje da mnogi hrvatski ljudi, kao i u većini ostalih svjetskih zemalja, ne prihvaćaju origami zbog tri osnovna uvriježena stava: to je za djecu, papir je nedostojan umjetnički medij te kratka trajnost origamija. Sva tri prigovora su pogrešna. Origami je ozbiljna umjetnost i tehnika bez kojeg su nezamislive današnja auto industrija (airbag), istraživanja svemira (solarni i teleskopski paneli), arhitektura (npr. zgrada Muzeja umjetnosti u Tel Avivu, Izrael), moda i dizajn.  Tko jedan put vidi modele najboljih svjetskih origamista odmah mijenja mišljenje glede papira kao nedostojnog umjetničkog medija. Istina je da origami traje znatno kraće nego stoljetne kamene i brončane skulpture, ali to i nije uloga origamija. Origami ima ulogu kao i notni zapis glazbenog djela. Origami dijagrami ili sheme savijanja su podložne i poželjne što češćim interpretacijama ostalih origamista; od različitih veličina, boja, debljine i strukture papira pa sve do izbora novih medija za origami (metali, plastika). Drugi stavak Vivaldijevog koncerta broj 2 u G molu, Op. 8, RV 315, L'estate (Ljeto) može se izvesti nadahnuto, tehnički korektno, površno, a često i kao Storm pop-crossover namijenjen isključivo zaradi. Često savijam Kawasaki ružu i ona ponekad bude dostojna ikebana aranžmana, ponekad je samo korektan model, a ponekad na brzinu  sklopljen uradak za ukras nekom poklonu. Sadašnje origamiste pozdravljam sa željom da i dalje zadrže čiste ruke i čisto srce, a buduće pozivam da se oslobode predrasuda te nađu svoj put i  zadovoljstvo u origami umjetnosti.

Zdenko Lanović


I live in Zagreb in the vicinity of lake Jarun and spend my free time in bike riding; a good cardio-training and antistress therapy. It is  a June evening of 2009. I am enjoying my bike ride. A careless young roller, my stubborn insisting on the route, fall, ambulance, worried emergency doctor, my transfer into a trauma hospital, surgery of the left arm. A beneficial result  of the operation, accompanied with the surgeon's advice that with a good postoperational care I can completely heal my injury. In my 45th year I do not wish to lose function of my left arm and hand, so I approach my recovery with discipline. After eight months of exercising I get a task to employ my fingers as much as possible. I could not continue playing the guitar, which yields an inefficient and painful posture. What to take up that would please me and keep the fingers of my left hand in motion, in a natural position?  Where and when origami very soon appeared, I cannot recollect, but it satisfied two basic prerogatives: it is an art and I can practice it at any moment, anywhere. Crucial for my desicion was the Internet - the availability and overview of amazing possibilities of folding paper, from simple, educational forms for the youngest and similar experiences in therapy such as mine, to beautiful (sometimes too fancy) models for exercising, enjoying, giving as a present, … all the way to the internationally recognized and renowned (unrepeatable) artworks. I also found the third reason for origami; a similarity to my engineering profession. It complies to strict rules, but still allows creativity. Origami also has strict rules (after choosing the paper shape, there is nothing but folding). Nevertheless, it offers almost countless possibilities. Origami, as any art, has its history, purpose, epochs, forms, streamlines, styles, genres, estetics, mediums, applicability and abstractions, academic debates etc. If we approach origami with clean hands and clean heart, as stated by one of the greatest origami artists, Akira Yoshizawa, then anyone can find their personal and unique techniques and models (goals) to be perfected and folded, stories from the past to widen their general knowledge, views on art - maybe thereto unaware of. Instead of nervousness and haste, origami develops techniques of gaining method and self control. It inspires new learnings and views, above all the awareness that everyone and all matter, even a small piece of paper. I am not an origami professional. I have been practicing it for a short while, for some five years, yet I had many opportunities to promote and demonstrate origami techniques and art forms. My humble experience tells me that many Croatians, as well as people in most other countries from all over the world, reject origami for three basic strong beliefs: this is for children, paper is an unworthy artistic medium and origami work has a short lifespan. All three objections are wrong. Origami is a serious art form and a technique. Today's automotive industry (airbag), aerospace research (solar and telescopic panels), architecture (i.e. the building of the Art Museum in Tel Aviv, Israel), modern fashion and design would be hardly imaginable without it.  Those who have even once seen works of the best world's oriami masters, instantly change their opinion about view of paper as an unworthy artistic medium. True, origami lasts far shorter compared to sculptures in stone or bronze that have been here for centuries, but this is not the purpose of origami. Its role is the same as of the music notation. Origami diagrams or crease patterns tend to and need to be interpreted by other origami enthusiasts as often as pssible. They may vary  from size, colour, paper thickness and texture up to the chioce of a new medium to fold (metals, plastic materials). The second movement of Vivaldi's Summer can be played with emotion, with correct technique, or carelessly, often also as a Storm pop-crossover to satisfy commercial purposes. I often fold Kawasaki roses. Some are worthy of an ikebana arrangement, some are just correct models, some are hastily folded accessories to a gift. I greet present origami folders wishing them to keep their hands and hearts clean, and inviting the future ones to set themselves free from prejudices and find their ways and pleasure in origami art.

Zdenko Lanović


Preskočit ću moje djetinjstvo i djeda Jozu i kumu Julku koji su nas, seosku djecu, učilii savijati papiriće od bonbona, zlatni i srebrni papir od čokolade, novinski papir i papir iz bilježnice. To su bile naše igračke jer drugih nismo imali. Nisam znala da je to origami a sada vjerujem da nisu ni oni.  Preskočit ću i onaj dio kad sam saznala da je to origami – tradicionalna japanska umjetnost savijanja papira.  Preskočit ću i moje otkriće origamija na internetu i oduševljenje njegovim mogućnostima i važnosti u razvoju djeteta. Preskočit ću i sve češće korištenje origamija u radu s djecom,radionice s odgajateljima. ... Origami me sve više privlačio. Počet ću sa klikom na Origami Art Novosti –  blog neke Sanje. To je bilo baš ono što sam trebala,što sam željela. Počela sam pratiti što piše,radi, istraživala sam njene linkove. Saznala sam da osniva Hrvatsko origami društvo i poželjela je upoznati i biti dio društva. Trebalo mi je dosta vremena da skupim hrabrosti da kažem da je želim upoznati. I onda se ukazala prilika - radionica u Botaničkom vrtu i prikazivanje filma Betwen the Folds. (Evo Sanja sad ti kažem da sam ja ona blitva zelena što te prati na blogu) Skupila sam hrabrost i poslala joj mail i zamolila da prisustvujem radionici te da mi sačuva jedno mjesto da pogledam film.  I tako je počelo moje druženje s pravim hrvatskim origami majstorom a onda sam preko nje upoznala još neke članove HOD-a. Sjećam se prvog dolaska u origami studio koji je otvoren od 17-20 a ostali smo do pola noći i kad sam s Katarinom hvatala zadnji tramvaj na Črnomercu. Uz Sanju sam otkrivala i druge naše i svjetske majstore  i oduševljeno otkrivala bezbrojne mogućnosti origamija. Bila sam na izložbi HOD-a u Susedgradu i vidjela uradke Sanje,  Igora   idrugih članova društva. Sve sam to željela reći drugima, otkriti im ljepotu i vrijednosti origamija. Ksenija i njena Udruga Portić su mi otvorili vrata i počela sam podučavati origami. Bila sam sretna ali nešto je nedostajalo. Željela sam da i moji sugrađani upoznaju i vide djela svjetskih i hrvatskih umjetnika i da otkriju ljepotu i vrijednost origamija. I evo - želja mi se ostvarila. Hvala Sanji, hvala Kseniji i svima koji su tome doprinijeli. Ali, imam ja još jednu želju. Ah, da, i onu drugu.... Ali o tome ćemo nekom drugom prilikom!  Pozdrav iz Rijeke!

Zdenka Šegota


I shall skip my childhood, grandpa Jozo and godmother Julka who taught us, rural children, how to fold candy wrappers, golden and silver chocolate paper, newsprint and notebook paper. These were our toys, for we had no others. I did not know it was origami and I believe neither did they.  I shall skip the part when I found out it was origami – traditional Japanese art of folding paper.  I shall skip even my discovering origami in the internet and being thrilled with its possibilities. I shall skip oftener use of origami in my activities for children, workshops with nursery teachers. ... I became increasingly fascinated with origami. I shall start with a mouseclick on Origami Art Novosti –  a blog by some Sanja. That was exactly what I needed, what I wanted. I started following her posts, her activities, exploring her internet links. I had found out she was founding Croatian Origami Society and I wanted to meet her and become a member. It took me a while to gain courage and tell her I wanted to meet her. And then an opportunity occurred – a workshop in the Botanical Gardens and screening of the film Betwen the Folds. (Well, Sanja, now I am conveying that I am the green chard following you on the blog) Courage gained, I wrote a mail asking to participate in the workshop and to watch the film.  Thus started my companionship with a true Croatian origami master. She introduced me to other members of Croatian Origami Society (HOD). I remember my first visit to the origami studio that is usually open from 17-20 h.  We stayed till midnight, when Katarina helped me to catch the last tram from Črnomerec. Through Sanja I discovered other Croatian and world origami masters, enthusiastically discovering countless possibilities  of origami. I visited HOD exhibition in Susedgrad and saw the works by Sanja,  Igor and other society members. I wanted to share all that with others, show them beauties and benefits of origami. Ksenija and her association Portić opened their doors for me and I started teaching origami there. I was happy, but something was missing. I wished that my fellow citizens of Rijeka get to know and see works by international and Croatian artists and to discover for themselves the beauties and benefits of origami. So, my wish came true. Thanks to Sanja, thanks to Ksenija and all who contributed ti it. But I have another wish. Oh, and the other one.... Will tell you some other time about that!  Greetings from Rijeka!
Zdenka Šegota


Sama u sobi slušam pjesmu od -Toše, Moj je život igra bez granica, što je u tom trenutku i bilo tako. Trgala sam listove prazne bilježnice - i pjesma to kaže - radila avione, bacala ih po sobi. „A da mi se jedan avion vrati - ma neće se meni ništa vratiti“, pomislila sam. Upišem na Google avion što se vraća - postoji li to? Postoji! Napravila sam ih nekoliko za svaki slučaj -trajalo je.  I trenutak istine - probni let - katastrofa. Po prirodi sam uporna i veliko dite. Od onog što imaš učini što možeš, to je moja krilatica. Eto mislim se: imam dragog Boga, sebe i ovaj papir – kreni! Tako sam počela, i sve bi brzo nestalo da nije bilo moje origami prijateljice - da li je moj avion došao do nje?  Vrlo brzo - avionom - otvorila sam radionicu Val. Svi su znali da tražim posao. Avion mi dobaci padobran, posao u kulturnoj udruzi: samo su mi rekli na radionici da ću biti tajnica u centru. Sada pripremam origami izložbu našega Luke. Nisam uspjela napraviti avion koji se vraća. Još uvijek ga radim. Pitam me moja origami prijateljica neki dan što radim, ja kažem sakupljam avione ispod kreveta. Jednom prilikom sam joj rekla da sam ja ovdje s origamijem Antuntun. A ona kaže: Dobro došla u klub, nisi samo ti, to da se ja ne bih umislila.Upoznala sam i Zdenku koju nisam vidjela nikada, a zovem je kad god zatreba. Koliko sam ja zvala Zdenku i Sanju da samo znate, tu je bilo ono moje veliko dite, a 60 mi je godina.  Zahvalila bih  Sanji  i Zdenki i njihovom pozitivnom stavu i razumijevanju. Poslale su mi papira, riječi podrške i ohrabrenja, to je za mene neobično. Dobro, idem ja pokušati napraviti taj avion što se vraća.  




I was alone in the room, listening to a song by -Toše, My life is an endless game... At that point, it was true. As the song says, I was tearing pages from an empty notebook, and folded aeroplanes, sending them all over the room. If only they came back to me – no, nothing comes back to me, I mused. I googled the phrase paper plane that comes back to you – is there such a thing? Yes, there is! Anyway, I made several, it took some time.  And a moment of truth – test flight – a catastrophe. Persistent by nature, I'm a big child at heart. To do what you can out of what you have, that is my moto. Thus I mused: I have dear God, myself and this piece of paper – start! That was my beginning, and all would soon have vanished were it not for my origami friend – did my plane reach her?  Very soon – by teaching a paper plane – I started a workshop named Wave. Everyone knew I was looking for a job. The plane sent me a parachute, a job in the local cultural association: during a workshop, I was simply told that I would be a secretary at the centre. Now I am setting up exhibition of origami works by our Luka. I did not succeed in making paper plane that comes back to me. I am still working on it. One of these days, my origami friend asked me what was I doing. Collecting paper planes from under the bed, I said. On one occasion I  told her that my origami and I are perceived as an oddball here. And she said: Welcome to the club, you are not alone there, lest I should not delude myself. I have also been introduced to Zdenka. I have never met her, and I call her whenever necessary. Many a time did I call Zdenka and Sanja, me who is a big child at heart, and I am just 60 years old.  I would like to thank  Sanja  and Zdenka for their positive attitude and understanding. They sent me paper, words of support and encouragement, unusual in my view. Well, here I go again, struggling to make a returning paper plane.



Mali pauk, obješen o ništa, visi ravno iz neba. Tako sam se osjećala krajem 2007. gledajući u kalendar slijedeće godine, u lipanj. Obećala.sam izložbu svjetskih origami majstora, a nisam znala niti jednog. U srcu je bila jedino vruća želja našoj publici pokazati ono što sam nakratko doživjela gledajući svjetske origami masjtore u Salzburgu 2005. Njih 60 majstora iz svih krajeva svijeta, a nas nigdje.  Upravo danas, kad tražim riječi da opišem svoj put, bolje rečeno skretanje u origami umjetnost, u sandučić elektronske pošte dolazi misao Shunryu Suzukija: Ako vam je glava prazna, uvijek je spremna za bilo što, otvorena za sve. U glavi početnika mogućnosti su mnoge, u glavi stručnjaka tek nekoliko. To je prava tajna umjetnosti, uvijek budi početnik. Upravo tako sam uspjela postaviti izložbu 2008. Smogla sam hrabrosti biti početnik. Uporno sam učila i dijelila naučeno. Nisam još ni bila svjesna buduće mreže niti značaja toga što radim, ali znala sam da je to veliko i dobro i da moram ići dalje. Nevidljiva mreža postajala je sve opipljivijom. Danas, na ovoj izložbi, i vi ste dio nje. Sretno s novim počecima,

Vaš origami sanjar

Little spider, hanging on nothing, attached straight to the sky. That was my feeling at the end of 2007. glancing at the calendar of the following year – at June. I had promised an exhibition of world origami masters and knew not a single one. Only a wish burned in my heart – to share with our audience the feeling I had, watching the world origami masters in Salzburg in 2005. Sixty masters from all over the world, ours none.  Only just today, when I am looking for right words to describe my walk of life, or rather, detour into origami art, my inbox receives a thought by Shunryu Suzuki: If your mind is empty, it is always ready for anything, it is open to everything. In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert's mind there are few. This is also the real secret of the arts: always be a beginner. This was the way I  brought about the exhibition in 2008. I took courage to be a beginner. I persevered in learning and sharing the learned. I was not aware of the future network, nor of the importance of my actions, but I knew that was great and good ad that I had to go on . The invisible web became more and more palpable. Today at this exhibition, you are a very part of it. Good luck with new beginnings,

Your origami dreamer

Posteri s izložbe Origami Zdenka – Put do svjetskih majstora origami umjetnosti u galeriji Kortil, Rijeka 
Posters from the exhibition Origami Zdenka – The road to the world's masters of the origami art

Informacije o istočnoj i zapadnoj tradiciji presavijanja papira zahvaljujemo prvom europskom origami muzeju EMOZ, Zaragoza, Španjolska
Information on the Eastern and Western origami tradition courtesy the frst European origami museum EMOZ, in Zaragoza, Spain.

Svjetski i hrvatski origami majstori u Galeriji Kortil, Rijeka

Izložba Origami Zdenka – Put do svjetskih majstora origami umjetnosti otvorena je 1. travnja u  renomiranoj riječkoj galeriji Kortil. Izložbu su organizirali Hrvatsko origami društvo iz Zagreba i Udruga za promicanje dobrobiti djece "Portić" iz Rijeke, u suradnji s Gradom Rijekom i Galerijom Kortil. Iuzložba je bila otvorena od 1. -12. travnja 2016. 

The exhibition Origami Zdenka – The road to the world's masters of the origami art had its Opening Night on April 1st in the renowned Gallery Kortil in Rijeka. The exhibition was organized by the Croatian Origami Society from Zagreb and the Association for the promotion of children's welfare "Portić" from Rijeka in cooperation with the City of Rijeka and Gallery Kortil. The exhibition was open from 1 -12 April 2016.

Zdenka Šegota, Članica Hrvatskog origami društva, čija je neiscrpna energija u promoviranju modernog origamija u Rijeci inspirirala ovu izložbu umjetničkog origamija, imala je vruću želju - da njen rodni grad doživi origami umjetnost kroz djela svjetskih majstora origamija 

Zdenka Šegota, a member of the Croatian Origami Society, whose inexhaustible energy in promoting modern origami in Rijeka inspired this origami art exhibition, had an ardent wish. That her hometown should experience origami art through works of international origami masters.  

Želja je ispunjena ljubaznošću Galerije grada Krapine koja je posudila radove svjetskih origami majstora iz svog fundusa te ljubaznošću privatnih kolekcionara koji su izložili svoje zbirke svjetskih majstora, zajedno s radovima nekolicine hrvatskih autora i interpreta.

The wish was granted courtesy of the Krapina City Gallery, that lent masters' works from its holdings and private collectors who exhibited their master's collections, along with works of few Croatian origami authors and interpreters.

Večer otvorenja bila je sjajna prilika za origami poklone koje je Hrvatsko origami društvo uručilo Gradonačelniku Rijeke Vojku Obersnelu i Veleposlaniku Japana N.E. Keiji Ide. No veliko je iznenađenje i oduševljenje bio poklon Veleposlanika našoj Zdenki - japanska origami knjiga i kusudama koju je napravio sam. I Gradonačelnik je dobio Veleposlanikovu kusudamu a svi smo dobili preporuku da izrada origamija otklanja stres.

The opening night was a great opportunity that Rijeka Mayor Vojko Obersnel and  Japanese Ambassador Keiji Ide get their origami presents from the Croatian Origami Society. Yet more delightful and surprising were origami presents by the Ambassador. Our Zdenka received a Japanese origami book and a kusudama that the ambassador made himself. The Mayor, too, received a kusudama folded by the Ambassador, and we all got  a recommendation to fold origami – as a stress relief.

Ovdje objavljujemo deplijan izložbe ljubaznošću udruge za promicanje dobrobiti djece "Portić" iz Rijeke.
Herewith published exhibition brochure courtesy the Association for the promotion of children's welfare "Portić" from Rijeka.

Translation of the exhibition brochure:
The new age of internet offers hereto unconceivable possibilities of communication and information. One was highlighted by my friends when introducing me to someone. You can google someone's walk of life and their first name. If you can find them on the first Google web page, then they are really trying hard and are successful.
Our Zdenka Segota became a synonim for origami in Rijeka,  embracing  with her warmth, goodness and knowledge many tiny and grownup hands, offering them new challenges and adventures in paper. A great enthusiast, tireless in positive thinking and encouragement, she strengthened Croatian Origami Society by joining it soon after its founding.
Yes, Zdenka knows how to spark enthusiasm for origami, she is able to motivate others into new ventures. There is no secret that it was Zdenka Segota who inspired us to set up this exhibition in Rijeka. It was her wish, as much as ours, too, that Rijeka should experience world origami masters.

I would like to cordially thank all those who helped us in realizing that – to the city of Rijeka for giving us the exhibition space in the renowned Kortil gallery in Rijeka, to the Associaton Portic for their wholehearted help in logistics and print and to the Krapina City Gallery that lent us works of world origami masters from their holdings. Cordial thanks also go to the frst European origami museum EMOZ, Zaragoza, Spain for their comprehensive data on the Eastern and Western origami tradition.
But the story would not be complete if it stopped there. Some ten members and friends of the Croatian Origami Society will exhibit their works and and interpretations of other authors as well as their private collections of world origami masters.
Zagreb, 19th March 2016. Croatian Origami Society, Sanja Srbljinović Čuček, President 

“Do you need a volounteer, ready to share with you their experience and love for origami?“ These were first Zdenka's words, introducing herself to me. “For that I need a table where I can fold and shape paper“. It was three years ago, on a hot summer afternoon, that Zdenka knocked at the door of Portić. I knew something about the origami technique myself, but did not take any special heed to it. I did not know that in Zdenka I would find a fine origami craftsman, excellent teacher and coworker, humble and creative person.
Hardly a month passed, and Zdenka Segota had two groups of school age children and a group of adult volonteers.  All were regular workshop attendants and their works soon started telling quite beautiful origami stories. And stories, as you may know, are best spread by a word of enchanted mouth. People spoke about Zdenka and her special way of communication with children. Soon her origami workshops have been invited in many institutions and associations. In the same year, the first origami exhibition with a workshop took place in Portic, then in the City Library Rijeka in Zamet, followed by numerous workshops for children and adults, all the year around. Dedicated and modest Zdenka's work brought fruit. Zdenka herself says that working as an origami volunteer received more than she gave to her pupils. It is a pleasure to watch children grow in their technique at the same time learning to support each other and help younger ones. From Zdenka they learn being joyous, exploring, curious and persistent. Or in other words of one of the pupils: Teacher Zdenka helped me realise that I would like to be the best origamist in the world
Rijeka, 31st March 2016. 

Association for the promotion of children's welfare "Portić".
Ksenija Vičić, President 
Exhibited works
International masters from the holdings of the Krapina City Gallery:
Works by Authors: Peter Budai, Joel Cooper, Dragutin Gerić, Roberto Gretter, Bernard Peyton, Arnold Tubis, Joseph Wu. Works by Interpreters: Philip Shen/Boaz Shuval, Akira Yoshizawa/Dragutin Gerić
International masters from private collections:
Works by Authors: Giang Dinh, Ilan Garibi, Ronald Koh, Goran Konjevod, Saadya Sternberg, Davor Vinko.
Works by Interpreters: Satoshi Kamiya/Marko Ivkov
Croatian Origami Circle
Works by Authors: Zdenko Lanović, Igor Petlevski, Sanja Srbljinović Čuček, Želimir Zlatić
Works by Interpreters: Rina Baljak, Luka Barižon, Božo Cicvarić, Zdenko Lanović, Sanja Srbljinović Čuček, Zdenka Šegota, Višnja Zatezalo, Želimir Zlatić.
Apart from traditional origami models, following authors have been interpreted:
Benjamin John Coleman, Fabian Correa, Ricardo Foschi, Shuzo Fujimoto, Tomoko Fuse, Francesco Guarnieri, Toshikazu Kawasaki, Michael G. La Fosse, Robert Lang, John Montroll, J. Sakai, Won Park, Philip Shen, Katrin Shumakov, Yuri Shumakov, Anibal Voyer, Stephen Weiss et al.
Origami inspired photography: Biljana Knebl, Igor Petlevski
Publisher: Udruga za promicanje dobrobiti djece Portić
for the publisher: Ksenija Vičić
Editor: Sanja Srbljinović Čuček
Exhibition concept: Sanja Srbljinović Čuček
Exhibition design: Jolanda Todorović, Sanja Srbljinović Čuček
Exhibition brochure design:Črčke
Edition: 200 copies
Print: MGM studio Novel 

U izložbi je sa svojim umjetničkim fotografijama origami radova sudjelovala i Biljana Knebl, nositelj AFIAP titule.
The exhibition also showed a series of origami art photos by Biljana Knebl, an AFIAP master.

Marko Čuček 4.srednje. Glazbenog učilišta Elly Bašić, klasa prof. Ante Čaglja