nedjelja, 7. srpnja 2013.

Euritmija, Iona i origami / Eurythmy, Iona and Paperfolding

Kad sam krenula s Euritmijskim ansamblom Iona na austrijsko-njemačku turneju, nisam ni sanjala da će origami biti tako lijepo prihvaćen.
When I set off for a tour to Austria and Germany with the Eurythmy Ensemble Iona, I had no idea that origami would be met with such a favorable reception.

Uklopio se kao scenska priča između dvije plesne točke, a pokazao se i kao dragi poklon.
It fitted well as a short story between two dance acts, and also proved a cherished present

I u šetnji Bečom, naletjeli na origami :)
Even when strolling through Vienna, stumbled upon origami :)

Iz Beča ravno u planine...
From Vienna, straight to the mountains...

i rajske vrtove...
and gardens of paradise ...

A onda na scenu Eurythmeuma uz dobrodošlicu drage nam Isolde
And then to the stage of  Eurythmeum, welcomed by our dear Isolda

Očarana Eurythmeumom i plesačima euritmije....
                                                                       inspiracija za novi origami?
Enchanted by Eurythmeum and eurithmy dancers ...
                                                                           inspiration for new origami?