ponedjeljak, 19. listopada 2015.

Exhibition to Celebrate WOD - Izložba uz svjetske dane origamija

HRVATSKO ORIGAMI DRUŠTVO slavi SVJETSKE DANE ORIGAMIJA izložbom origami umjetnika u renomiranoj hrvatskoj galeriji lijepe umjetnosti, GALERIJI PRICA u Samoboru. 

CROATIAN ORIGAMI SOCIETY celebrates WORLD ORIGAMI DAYS with origami artists exhibiting in a renowned Croatian fine art gallery, GALERIJA PRICA in Samobor.

27. X - 15. XI 2015


Izlažu - Exhibiting:

Goran Konjevod, Igor Petlevski, Krešimir Rajki, Sanja Srbljinović Čuček,

Davor Vinko, Tatjana Vuković, Želimir Zlatić

Koncepcija izložbe – Exhibition concept:

Guido Quien, Biljana Knebl, Nikolina Šimunović

Likovni postav – Exhibition design:

Guido Quien, Nikolina Šimunović

Tehnički postav – Technical design:

Vjekoslav Brunović, Damir Vraneković

Izložbu je otvorio kulturni ataše Veleposlanstva Japana u Zagrebu, gospodin Ryohei Nakajima.
The exhibition was opened by the Cultural Attaché of the Japanese Embassy in Zagreb, Mr. Ryohei Nakajima.


Glazba - Music:  Marko Čuček, 4.sr. G.U Elly Bašić.  Klasa - class: prof. Ante Čagalj.

petak, 9. listopada 2015.

Inovativni origami

Što je zajedničko Tokijskom sveučilištu, Sveučilištu Illinois pri Urbana-Champaign i  Georgijskom Institutu za tehnologiju? Istraživanje koje potpisuju Tomohiro Tachi, Evgueni Filipov iGlaucio Paulino. Radi se o cijevima koje funkcioniraju kao patent zatvarač. Na taj način papirnate strukture dobivaju na nosivosti, a opet se mogu sklopiti u bitno manji volumen, za transport i skladištenje. Ova se metoda može primijeniti i na druge tanke materijale kao što su plastika ili metal, u područjoma koja sežu od arhitekture i industrije namještaja do mikroskopskih robota.

Da origami ima mnogo zanimljivih primjena u znanosti, mogli ste pročitati i na stranicama Origami Resource Centra.

U Hrvatskom origami društvu nastojimo ukazati na inovativne potencijale origamija, poučiti o svjetskim i našim autorima i inovativnim idejama koje inspiriraju i pomažu znanstvena otkrića.
Tako su posjetitelji bjelovarskog 3. salona inovacija mogli razvući Miura mapu, vidjeti pristaje li Jeremyjev šešir različitim glavama, diviti se Tomoko kristalima, kutijama raznih autora, pomoću QR kodova posjetiti linkove origami znanstvenika-umjetnika poput Roberta J.Langa, Erika Demainea i Gorana Konjevoda

Fotografije ljubaznošću M.Juratovac

Fotografije ljubaznošću M.Juratovac

nedjelja, 27. rujna 2015.

Japanski origami

Ove subote, na Danu Japana, imali smo nesvakidašnju priliku susresti članicu japanskog origami društva NOA - Nippon Origami Society, origami autoricu i profesionalnu učiteljicu origamija, gospođu Takako Ogura.

Origami gospođe Takako Ogura
Origami Hina Matsuri
Prijedlog za origami Božić
Bilo je lijepo pričati origami :)

doživjeti cosplay

 japansku modernu umjetnost

uživati u originalnim japanskim kimonima

ponedjeljak, 13. srpnja 2015.

Vjerujem u origami umjetnost - I Believe in Origami Art

Sav origami započinje nekom ravnom površinom.

Kako se ta površina transformira u tri dimenzije,

origami unutar sebe sadrži sve mogućnosti

koje povezujemo s kreativnom umjetnošću.

Izjavio je legendarni Akira Yoshizawa u arhivskoj snimci dokumentarca V.Gould Between the Folds.

All origami starts with a flat surface.

As this surface transforms in three dimensions,

origami has within it all the possibilities 

we associate with creative art.

Said the legendary Akira Yoshizawa in the archival footage of the documentary Between the Folds by Vanessa Gould

Zato, dragi naši origami autori, ne propustite priliku da pokažete svoje najbolje umjetničke kreacije na Svjetske dane origamija u samoborskoj Galeriji Prica:



Odazovite se 

POZIVU na sudjelovanje

na žiriranoj origami art izložbi


Vrijeme i mjesto održavanja: 27.10. – 15.11.2015.

Mala dvorana Galerije Prica, POU Samobor

Nositelj i organizator izložbe: Galerija Prica, POU Samobor

Trg Matice hrvatske 3, 10 430 Samobor

Suorganizator: Hrvatsko origami društvo

I. B. Mažuranić 18, 10000 Zagreb

srijeda, 24. lipnja 2015.

Čudesni origami svijet - Wonderful Origami World

Naši koraci urezuju tragove u kamen. Uporno idemo naprijed i dok drugi posustaju. Učimo učeći druge. Seneca 

Our steps carve the stone, advancing steadily even where others may lose heart. Docendo discimus Seneca

U savijanju papira mnogi smo samouki. Maštamo o velikim majstorima od kojih bi rado učili. A oni su često daleko, s one strane Interneta. Ili ipak vrlo blizu, samuju, zatvoreni u sobi do nas. Brižljivo čuvaju svoje papirnate uspjehe u tami kutije. A papir vene i nestaje, kao i znanje koje se ne dijeli. Zato ako zaista želimo naprijed, mudro je udružiti i podijeliti svoje znanje.

In paperfolding, many of us are self-taught. We dream of great masters we would love to learn from. And they are often far away, through the looking glass of the Internet. Or maybe even nearby, in the solitude of their room. They keep their paper achievments in the discreet darkness of a box. And paper withers and vanishes, just as unshared knowledge does. Therefore, if we want to get ahead, it is wise to unite and share our knowledge.

U glavi mi odjekuju Tinovi stihoviNe gordi se! tvoje misli nisu samo tvoje! One u drugima žive.
Osjetila sam to puno puta, susrećući ljude kroz origami. Doživjela sam Senekine mudre riječi poučavajući ono što bih naučila savijajući papir. Baš kao i riječi Yogi Bhajana: Želiš li nešto naučiti, čitaj o tome. Želiš li nešto razumjeti, piši o tome. Želiš li ovladati nečim, poučavaj to. Pa ako zaista voliš origami, čitaj i piši o njemu, dijagramiraj ga i poučavaj.

Tin's verses  echo in my mind:  Don't give yourself airs! your thoughts are not just yours!  They live in others. I felt that many times, meeting people over a piece of folded paper. I experienced Seneca's words of wisdom in teaching origami. As much as the words of Yogi Bhajan: If you want to learn something, read about it. If you want to understand something, write about it. If you want to master something, teach it.  So, if you truly love origami, read and write about it, diagram and teach it.

Čudesno je doživjeti druge na istom takvom putu: Unesem li ljubav u ono što radim, to mijenja mene i onog tko prima. Naša Zdenka, s ljubavlju i vjerom, kroz cijelu godinu poučava i bodri male i velike ruke u mudrostima savijanja papira. Udruga Portić i Gradska knjižnica Rijeka postaju dragocjene origami oaze iz kojih se izlazi osvježen za nove pohode i životne oluje. Mnogima je origami pomogao, a pomaže i dan-danas. Što bi nekome bio mlinski kamen oko vrata, postaje pokretačka sila. Njeguje se volja i upornost, prijateljstvo i dijeljenje znanja. Vrijeme proleti kao u šali. 

It's wondrous to encounter others on the very same road: If I put love in what I do, it changes me and the person I give it to. All year long, with love and faith, our Zdenka  teaches and encourages hands of all ages in the wisdom of paperfolding. Society Portic and Rijeka City Library turn into precious origami oases out of which one emerges refreshed and ready for new journeys and storms of life. Many have been helped by origami. A millstone around one's neck thus becomes a driving force. Willpower and perseverance, friendship and knowledge-sharing are cherished here. Time flies joyfully. 

Jedan od načina da podijelimo naučeno je i izložba. Knjižnice su dobar početak.
Vedro ljetno popodne. Penjemo se užarenim stepenicama impresivnog sportskog kompleksa na Zametu. Vruća želja: upoznati vrijedne dječje ruke koje su uporno, tokom cijele godine, učile mudrost presavijanja papira, ohrabrene Zdenkinim znanjem i blagim osmijehom.

One of the ways to share what we learned is to exhibit it. Libraries make a good start.
A sunny summer afternoon. Ascending sweltering stairs of the splendid Zamet Centre. An ardent wish: to meet eager little hands, that have been learning the wisdom of folding paper, all year long, encouraged by  Zdenka's knowledge and her soft smile.

Na zidu knjižnice brižljivo skupljeni uspjesi - savladani origami modeli. Zanimljivo što sve može dijete od vrtićke do školske dobi, kad radi s interesom i ljubavlju. Dugogodišnje iskustvo rada s djecom i roditeljima Zdenka Šegota pretočila je u svoju ljubav - poučavanje origamija.
Hanging upon the library wall, there are carefully collected achievements - origami models folded by children aged from 5 to15. When working with interest and passion, children can truly amaze us with their works. An experienced nursery teacher, Zdenka Šegota has instilled her ways of working with parents and children into her passion  - teaching origami.

Veliki bravo za riječke origamiste i srdačne čestitke našoj origami Zdenki!
Heartfelt cheers to Rijeka's paperfolders and kudos to our origami Zdenka!

Fotografije s otvorenja izložbe ljubaznošću Gradske knjižnice Rijeka.
Photos of the exhibition opening by the courtesy of Rijeka City Library.

četvrtak, 23. travnja 2015.

Sensa and Origami - Makes Sense

In the March 2015 Croatian edition of the the highly popular women's lifestyle magazine Sensa, themed Mind and Body, origami was presented on six pages. On the cover page it was highlighted as a meditation of patience and creativity. An introduction in modern origami with its benefits was written by Magda Dežđek, origami diagrams and origami arrangements were photographed by Maja Danica Pečanić. Origami was created by Sanja Srbljinović Čuček.

A translation of the article, published on this blog with permission of Croatian Sensa magazine, follows.


Try your hand at origami

Origami: songbird, bonsai tree and cherry blossom
Author of the origami models: Sanja Srbljinović Čuček 


Although we traditionally associate origami with Japan, nowadays this skill becomes increasingly popular all over the world. Initially associated with religious rites and imperial court in Japan, later a popular passtime with children, in the last 60 years origami experienced a true revolution.  Creating origami was raised to an artistic and scientific level amazing us with end results and possibilities enabled by the synergy of paper and man. For  example, by the help of origami, NASA engineers solve challenges of space technology,  to mathematicians origami brings easier understanding of numerical and geometrical axioms. Scientists use origami in deducing protein construction in research of new drugs,  in the automotive industry an origami algorithm helps to test safety airbags, whereas artists fold magnificent origami sculptures and installations. With each fold, intelligence, art and creativity permeate the paper. There are no limits or only the mind sets the limits. Let's play with paper and origami models by Sanja Srbljinović Čuček, the president of the Croatian Origami Society.  All you need is a sheet of paper and a passion to create. Any paper can be folded, all you need is to choose the right paper for the right model. In choosing paper check its firmness, i.e. tear resistance and if it can hold a folded crease. If you are a beginner, use duo paper coloured on one side and white on the other,  60 - 80 gsm, and if you are more experienced, you can choose from more challenging paper types, i.e. very thin paper for flowers or light construction paper for bowls. Special papers for origami can be found in any better supplied bookstore or paper shop. Do not forget that origami is a skill to learn. Except for the most dexterous, a great many of us do not shape the desired form right away. Therefore arm yourself with patience, and try to experience origami as a meditation. By the help of it, you will be gradually overcoming your own limitations.

✓ stimulates movement co-ordination
✓ keeps creativity
✓ opens new possibilities
✓ develops thinking strategies
✓ inspires new ideas

1. Start with a napkin fold. Fold it in half to the left.
2. Fold the upper flap to the right at approximately two thirds of  the angle.       
3. Repeat on the back side.
4. Use your index finger to widen the pocket and make a soft tilted crease with your thumb.
5. If you pull the tip upwards, an irregular petal fold will be formed.  
6. Carefully align the edges so that they touch. Crease the fold.                        
7. Turn the model over.  
8. Repeat the steps 4 - 6.
9.a   Next steps form the head and the beak. Crimp both layers of paper.
9.b   Upper creases will mount the creases below.    
9.c  Separate the upper and lower layer. Pull upwards the upper one, and leave the one below in the crimped position.
9.d  In this way you get an impression of an opened beak.
1. Make a napkin fold. Line - - - marks a valley crease.
2. Swing fold the right triangle to the left. Line _.._ marks a mountain crease
3. Repeat on the left side.

For the umbrella body a traditional Japanese kusudama module was used.

Origami paper and printer paper are a good choice, but you can work with any 80 gsm square paper. Better avoid slippery, brittle paper and the one that changes colour at its creases.

✓ a bridge between science and art
✓ a draft for a new invention                    
✓ a problem solving exercise
✓ a friendly chat with paper
✓ the magic of math caught in paper
✓ a brain gym

4. Align outer edges of both flaps with the middle of the model. Crease the folds.
5. Spread the right flap into a pocket. Its middle crease will align with the middle of the model.
6. To make the same folds on all four flaps, repeat the steps 4 – 5.
7. Fold upper edges towards the middle of the model.
8. Fold the tip down as far as it goes.
9. Repeat on other three flaps.
10. Precreasing is finished. The folded creases will help you to collapse the model on the reverse side. Open the model and press lightly at the center. The paper will dent as a shallow bowl.
11. Now all you need is to recognize the folds and fold them as before. Only the folds will be on the inside of the model. Valley and mountain creases will not change their orientation. You will experience it as the if folds want to collapse the right way, because the paper wants to keep the crease that he has learnt.
12. Fold a handle that you can insert in the middle without gluing. Cupboard fold a narrow strip of paper lengthwise. Fold lengthwise in half.
13. Fold a shorter part at a sharp angle and crease. You will get a reverse fold. Form a handle with further reverse folds at the other end. Insert the handle.

1. Fold the paper lengthwise and open. This crease will serve as an orientation. Fold left and right edge to the middle crease. Place the tip of the lower left corner on the middle crease. A the same time the end of the raw edge should be kept in the lower right corner. Repeat the same with the remaining three corners. Turn the model over.
2. Align the four creases from the previous step with the middle crease.
3. Open the model and compare it with the CP. You will notice more crease lines than on the CP. Those lines will be flattened in the finished model. Find the creases that you can see on CP and adjust them to correspond the mountain (_.._)  and valley (---) creases on the CP. Now you have all the lines necessary to finish the model.

This is a crease pattern with highlighted valley (---) and mountain (_.._) creases. When you fold the paper, respecting the marked lines, you will get the bowl. You can use any A4 paper. If you use heavier paper, over 130 gsm, it will be easier to fold if you moisten it with a damp cloth. 


4. Lift the sides of the bowl and lock the folds by inserting the two tips in the nearest pocket.
5. Repeat on the other side.

Origami starfish, bowl, chopsticks, plate and croissant
Author of the CP and origami models: Sanja Srbljinović Čuček 

Translation: Sanja Srbljinović Čuček 


ponedjeljak, 16. ožujka 2015.

Senbazuru ili tisuću razloga za saviti ždrala

Plavi telefon 7.3.2015.

Origami je prilika za druženje različitih generacja. Možemo učiti jedni od drugih, nasmijati se zajedno, poigrati se, bez obzira na dob.

Paperfolding is a chance to get together, no matter of one's age. We can learn from one another, share laughter and play.

Gerontološki centar Maksimir 25.2.2015

Moderni origami je daleko više od ždrala. Ali senbazuru ili tisuću ždralova žele saviti mnogi. Njima posvećujem ove dijagrame.

Modern origami is so much more than a crane. Yet many wish to fold senbazuru or thousand cranes. I devote those diagrams to them.

subota, 14. veljače 2015.

Sretno Valentinovo - Happy Valentine

Sretno Valentinovo svim zaljubljenicima origamija :)

Origami Sanja(r)